Special Dry Lager
Special Dry is a nod to the Japanese style of brewing which is characteristic of lighter styles with a focus on excellence of ingredients, process, and technique. Our version is an exceptionally clean, crisp and refreshing dry lager that tastes as special as the name suggests. Cheers to tradition & innovation!
Special Dry is a nod to the Japanese style of brewing which is characteristic of lighter styles with a focus on excellence of ingredients, process, and technique. Our version is an exceptionally clean, crisp and refreshing dry lager that tastes as special as the name suggests. Cheers to tradition & innovation!
Special Dry is a nod to the Japanese style of brewing which is characteristic of lighter styles with a focus on excellence of ingredients, process, and technique. Our version is an exceptionally clean, crisp and refreshing dry lager that tastes as special as the name suggests. Cheers to tradition & innovation!